Talon Glock 48 Inside the Waistband
Talon Holsters are designed by professional Law Enforcement Officers who have dedicated themselves to providing citizens with firearms instruction, a place to shoot and a quality concealed carry holster. Made in the USA, our holsters offer a ton of possibilities. If a holster is not simple, comfortable, and easy to put on and take off, you probably won't wear it. The double leather top keeps the holster open and safe for single hand holstering. We keep things simple, easy and traditional. Check out demo videos on YouTube by searching for TalonHolsters or Talon Training Group. These are really nice quality and the career law enforcement officers who own the company have spent a lot of time developing them. All our holsters are made in the USA and are constructed exclusively of Hermann Oak Leather, and made from US Steers. Hermann Oak Leather Company supplies our leather and has been in business since 1881. Nothing foreign touches our holsters. Grown, tanned, constructed and delivered to and from the USA. These are vegetable tanned and dyed with a water based dye so nothing will harm the firearm. Most holsters are made from leather tanned using a chromium based process. Not ours. Designed by our instructors at Talon Training, and tried and tested to ensure you are getting the best there is, we stand behind our holsters. Our NO-Bull warranty guarantees that if you don't like it, send it back for a full refund. If it breaks, ever, we will replace it. (Routine age and wear, is normal, of course.) See our videos on how to draw from concealment. We are professional trainers, law enforcement officers and firearms range owners. Our facility, training company and manufacturing/design function are unlike any other. Our holsters are designed for comfort, convenience, concealability and functionality.